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Student Council

Borger Middle School is very proud of the Student Council and the kids and sponsors who dedicate their time to making the campus a better place to work and learn.  The following information will provide you with information regarding qualifications, the election process, duties of Student Council Officers, and parent involvement. 


BMS student council officers should be models of proper student conduct. For this reason, it is necessary that students seeking a position on the council meet the following standards:

  • Grades - May have no six weeks grade (average of all core classes) lower than an 85.
  • Absences - May not have absences equaling more than 10 % of the total number of school days for the year to date (exception: medical absences with doctor’s excuse).
  • Citizenship - May not have a U in conduct on any report card during the current year.
  • Discipline Referrals - The student shall not be allowed to run for office if the student is assigned to DAEP, OSS, ISS (5 or more days), or expelled from school in either the previous or current semester.

Student Council Election Process

  • Teacher recommendations will count as 60% of the final tally.
  • Student votes will count as 40% towards the final tally. 

Student Council Class

Each officer will receive a grade based on their performance in the designated Student Council period. The grade will be determined by their participation in class, bringing assignments when asked, etc. Tardiness is unacceptable. During this class period, officers will work on a variety of activities in lieu of having to stay after school.

Parent Involvement

Parent involvement is a great part of making each year successful. It will not affect a student's grade but is STRONGLY encouraged. Please make note of yearlong, Fall, Winter, and Spring Activities. During these times your participation and involvement will be greatly appreciated.

Duty of Student Council Officers

Participation is mandatory for all events listed below:

Yearlong Activities:

  • Daily Announcements
  • School Marquee Announcements
  • Birthday Bulletin Boards
  • Spirit Sales
  • Spirit Days

Summer Activities:

  • Leadership Camp
  • Back to School Meeting and Activities 

Fall Activities:

  • Teacher Appreciation During In-Service
  • Welcome Back Assemblies
  • Open House
  • Can Food Drive
  • Homecoming Activities

Winter Activities:

  • Dawg House Dance (Coats for Kids)
  • Christmas Grams (Coats for Kids)

Spring Activities:

  • Valentine Dance
  • Talent Show
  • Student Council Elections
  • Teacher Appreciation (May)
  • Fundraising
  • Leadership Camp